Lawhon, M., & Murphy, J. T. (2011). Socio-technical regimes and sustainability transitions. Progress in Human Geography, 36(3), 354–378. doi:10.1177/0309132511427960
Plattform: Cape TownPublikationstyp: Scientific article (peer-reviewed)Utgivningsår:
May, T. & Perry, B. (2011). Innovation and expertise: experiences from a formative evaluation. Conference abstract presented at the Second Berlin Forum Innovation in Governance Knowing Governance: The Making of Governance Knowledge and the Transformation of Politics, Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Berlin, Germany, 19-20 May 2011.
Plattform: Sheffield-ManchesterPublikationstyp: Conference paper (peer-reviewed)Utgivningsår:
May, T., & Perry, B. (2011). Urban Research in the Knowledge Economy: Content, Context and Outlook. Built Environment, 37(3), 352–367. doi:10.2148/benv.37.3.352
Plattform: Sheffield-Manchester, GlobalPublikationstyp: Scientific article (peer-reviewed)Utgivningsår:
Perry, B. (2011). Universities and Cities: Governance, Institutions and Mediation. Built Environment, 37(3), 245–259. doi:10.2148/benv.37.3.245
Plattform: Sheffield-Manchester, GlobalPublikationstyp: Scientific article (peer-reviewed)Utgivningsår:
Smit, W., Hancock, T., Kumaresen, J., Santos-Burgoa, C., Sánchez-Kobashi Meneses, R., & Friel, S. (2011). Toward a Research and Action Agenda on Urban Planning/Design and Health Equity in Cities in Low and Middle-Income Countries. Journal of Urban Health, 88(5), 875–885. doi:10.1007/s11524-011-9605-2
Plattform: Cape TownPublikationstyp: Scientific article (peer-reviewed)Utgivningsår:
LAWHON, M., & CHION, M. (2011). Rooted Cosmopolitanism: Spaces of Multiplicity in Cusco, Peru. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 36(3), 539–553. doi:10.1111/j.1468-2427.2011.01079.x
Plattform: Cape TownPublikationstyp: Scientific article (peer-reviewed)Utgivningsår:
May, T. (2011). Urban knowledge arenas: dynamics, tensions and potentials. International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development, 2(2), 132. doi:10.1504/ijkbd.2011.041244
Plattform: Sheffield-Manchester, GlobalPublikationstyp: Scientific article (peer-reviewed)Utgivningsår:
Drivdal, L. & Musungu, K. Report.
Plattform: Cape TownPublikationstyp: Report/Paper/Working paper/BriefUtgivningsår:
Polk, M. (2011). Institutional Capacity-building in Urban Planning and Policy-making for Sustainable Development: Success or Failure? Planning Practice and Research, 26(2), 185–206. doi:10.1080/02697459.2011.560461
Plattform: GlobalPublikationstyp: Scientific article (peer-reviewed)Utgivningsår:
Pieterse, E. (2011). Introduction: rogue urbanisms. Social Dynamics, 37(1), 1–4. doi:10.1080/02533952.2011.573955
Plattform: Cape TownPublikationstyp: Scientific article (peer-reviewed)Utgivningsår: