Croese, S., Oloko, M., Simon, D., & Valencia, S. C. (2021). Bringing the Global to the Local: the challenges of multi-level governance for global policy implementation in Africa. International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development, 13(3), 435–447. doi:10.1080/19463138.2021.1958335
Plattform: Gothenburg, Cape Town, Kisumu, GlobalPublikationstyp: Scientific article (peer-reviewed)Utgivningsår:
Capuano Mascarenhas, L., Ness, B., Oloko, M., & Awuor, F. O. (2021). Multi-criteria analysis of municipal solid waste treatment technologies to support decision-making in Kisumu, Kenya. Environmental Challenges, 4, 100189. doi:10.1016/j.envc.2021.100189
Plattform: KisumuPublikationstyp: Scientific article (peer-reviewed)Utgivningsår:
Onyango, G.M. and Owino, F.O. (2021) Transit Oriented Development in medium cities in Africa: Experiences from Kisumu, Kenya. Journal of Geography and Regional Planning
Plattform: KisumuPublikationstyp: Scientific article (peer-reviewed)Utgivningsår:
Ngusale, G. K., Oloko, M., & Awuor, F. O. (2021). Briquetting as a means of recovering energy from organic market waste. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 1–16. doi:10.1080/15567036.2021.1925784
Plattform: KisumuPublikationstyp: Scientific article (peer-reviewed)Utgivningsår:
Kabok, P., Otiende, F., Oloko, M. & Ngusale, G. (2021). 'Performance of selected organic wastes for available technologies for biogas, Kisumu City Kenya'. International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology (accepted)
Plattform: KisumuPublikationstyp: Scientific article (peer-reviewed)Utgivningsår:
Awuor, F.A., Oloko, M., Onditi, A.L. & Agong', S.G. (2020). 'From a Waste Cemetery to a Waste Hospital: Recreating Kisumu City’s Waste Management System'.American Journal of Environmental Protection. 2020, 8(3), 78-86. DOI: 10.12691/env-8-3-2
Plattform: KisumuPublikationstyp: Scientific article (peer-reviewed)Utgivningsår:
Opiyo, P.O., Agong, S.G., Awuor, F.A. and Gilani, M. Urban Dynamics of Food Loss and Waste: Challenges and Opportunities for Improving Food Security in Kisumu, Kenya. Journal of Food Security. 2021; 9(1):1-7. doi: 10.12691/jfs
Plattform: KisumuPublikationstyp: Scientific article (peer-reviewed)Utgivningsår:
Odede, F.A., Owino, F., Hayombe, P. & Agong', S.G. (2020)'A Catalogue and Inventory of Cultural Heritage Sites, Artefacts and Features in Kisumu City and Its Environs in Lake Victoria Basin, Kenya'.Archaeology 2020, 8(1): 1-12 DOI: 10.5923/j.archaeology.20200801.01
Plattform: KisumuPublikationstyp: Scientific article (peer-reviewed)Utgivningsår:
Opiyo, P. and Agong', S.G. (2020) Nexus between Urban Food System and Other Urban Systems: Exploring Opportunities for Improving Food Security in Kisumu, Kenya, Social and Economic Geography. 2020; 5(1):20-28. doi: 10.12691/seg-5-1-4
Plattform: KisumuPublikationstyp: Scientific article (peer-reviewed)Utgivningsår:
Odede, F., Hayombe, P.O., Agong', S.G. and Owuor, F.O. (2020). 'Upscaling Tourism Product Development for Enhancing Local Livelihoods at Dunga and Miyandhe Beach Destinations in Kisumu City, Kenya: A Co-Production Approach'. American Journal of Tourism Management p-ISSN: 2326-0637 e-ISSN: 2326-0645 2020; 9(1): 24-33 doi:10.5923/j.tourism.20200901.03
Plattform: KisumuPublikationstyp: Scientific article (peer-reviewed)Utgivningsår: