Gutman, M., Cohen, M., Nesprias, J., Versace, I., Reese, E., Miguens, L. and Belli, L.V. (2019) Localisation of the Agenda 2030 and its Sustainable Development Goals in Buenos Aires. Mistra Urban Futures Report 2019:8
Plattform: Buenos Aires Publikationstyp: Report/Paper/Working paper/BriefUtgivningsår:
Diprose, K., Taylor Buck, N. & Perry, B. (2019) Localisation of the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals in Sheffield. Mistra Urban Futures Report 2019:6
Plattform: Sheffield-Manchester, GlobalPublikationstyp: Report/Paper/Working paper/BriefUtgivningsår:
Oloko, M. (2019) Localisation of the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals in Cape Town. Mistra Urban Futures Report 2019:9
Plattform: Kisumu, GlobalPublikationstyp: Report/Paper/Working paper/BriefUtgivningsår:
Sharma, T. & Vora, Y. (2019) Localisation of the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals in Shimla. Mistra Urban Futures Report 2019:7
Plattform: Shimla Publikationstyp: Report/Paper/Working paper/BriefUtgivningsår:
Perjo, L. & Bjerkesjö, P. (2019) Co-creation for socio-ecological urban development? The case of Gröna Solberga. Mistra Urban Futures Report 2019:10
Plattform: StockholmPublikationstyp: Report/Paper/Working paper/BriefUtgivningsår:
Forsemalm, J. (2019) Storstädernas jämlikhetsarbete. Mistra Urban Futures Report 2019:5
Plattform: GöteborgPublikationstyp: Rapport/Paper/Working paper/BriefUtgivningsår:
Gontia, P. (2019) Material metabolism of residential buildings in Sweden: Material intensity database, stocks and flows, and spatial analysis. Doctoral thesis at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Plattform: GothenburgPublikationstyp: Academic thesisUtgivningsår:
Croese, S. with Wright C. and Primo, N. (2019) Localisation of the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals in Cape Town. Mistra Urban Futures Report 2019:3
Plattform: Cape Town, GlobalPublikationstyp: Report/Paper/Working paper/BriefUtgivningsår:
Valencia, S. with Pettersson, S. and Risfelt, L. (2019) Localisation of the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals in Gothenburg, Sweden.Mistra Urban Futures Report 2019:4
Plattform: Gothenburg, GlobalPublikationstyp: Report/Paper/Working paper/BriefUtgivningsår:
Larson Lindal, J. (2019) Mapping of co-creation for social-ecological sustainability in the Stockholm region. Mistra Urban Futures Report 2019:2. Part II
Plattform: StockholmPublikationstyp: Report/Paper/Working paper/BriefUtgivningsår: