Brorström, S. and Styhre, A. (2020) ‘Plans and situated actions in urban renewal projects: The role of governance devices in realizing projects’, Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space. doi: 10.1177/2399654420941856.
Plattform: GothenburgPublikationstyp: Academic thesisUtgivningsår:
Palmer, H., Polk, M., Simon, D., & Hansson, S. (2020). Evaluative and enabling infrastructures: supporting the ability of urban co-production processes to contribute to societal change. Urban Transformations, 2(1). doi:10.1186/s42854-020-00010-0
Plattform: GothenburgPublikationstyp: Scientific article (peer-reviewed)Utgivningsår:
Dymitrow, M. and Ingelhag, K. (eds.) (2019). Anatomy of a 21st-century sustainability project: The untold stories. Gothenburg: Mistra Urban Futures, Chalmers University of Technology.
Plattform: GothenburgPublikationstyp: BookUtgivningsår:
Ranhagen, U. (2020) Co-Creation in Urban Station Communities. Mistra Urban Futures Report 2020:5
Plattform: GothenburgPublikationstyp: Report/Paper/Working paper/BriefUtgivningsår:
Pretorius, D. (2020) Access for Just Cities Master Report.
Plattform: GothenburgPublikationstyp: Report/Paper/Working paper/BriefUtgivningsår:
Spring, C. A., & Biddulph, R. (2020). Capturing Waste or Capturing Innovation? Comparing Self-Organising Potentials of Surplus Food Redistribution Initiatives to Prevent Food Waste. Sustainability, 12(10), 4252. doi:10.3390/su12104252
Plattform: Gothenburg, Sheffield-ManchesterPublikationstyp: Scientific article (peer-reviewed)Utgivningsår:
Ranhagen, U. & Gustafsson, A. (2020) Det urbana stationssamhället - vägen mot ett resurssnålt resande. Mistra Urban Futures Report 2020:3
Plattform: GothenburgPublikationstyp: Report/Paper/Working paper/BriefUtgivningsår:
Hultdin, A. (2020) Initiatives for intercultural exchange. Mistra Urban Futures Papers 2020:1
Plattform: Gothenburg, KisumuPublikationstyp: Report/Paper/Working paper/BriefUtgivningsår:
Legeby, A. & Hansson, S. (2020) Perspectives on accessibility: elaborating on methods and approaches with the aim to improve local living conditions. Mistra Urban Futures Policy Brief 2020:1
Plattform: GothenburgPublikationstyp: Report/Paper/Working paper/BriefUtgivningsår:
Grange, K. & Björling, N. (2020) Migrationens ojämna geografi: Bosättningslagen ur ett rättviseperspektiv. Mistra Urban Futures Report 2020:2
Plattform: GöteborgPublikationstyp: Rapport/Paper/Working paper/BriefUtgivningsår: