Mistra Urban Futures gränsöverskridande arbetssätt är grunden för en rad publikationer. Det handlar om såväl akademiska artiklar som praktik- och policyinriktade rapporter och andra publikationer.
Odede, F., Hayombe, P., Agong', S. and Owino, F. (2020). 'Cultural Planning of Dunga, Abinduand Kit-Mikayi Cultural Heritage Sites, Kisumu City, Kenya'. International Journal of Advanced and Multidisciplinary Social Science 2020, 6(1): 28-40, 10.5923/j.jamss.20200601.03
Aburo, B.A., Hayombe, P.O., Odede, F.Z.A. and Agong', S.G. (2020) Cultural Economy: Is Culture at the Center of a City’s Economy? American Journal of Sociological Research 2020, 10(1): 12-21 DOI: 10.5923/j.sociology.20201001.02
Owino, F.O. (2019) Socio-cultural Determinants of Food Security and Consumption Patterns in Kisumu, Kenya, Food and Public Health, Vol. 9 No. 4, 2019, pp. 119-124. doi: 10.5923/j.fph.20190904.03.
Omondi, L., Jernsand, E.M. & Kraff, H. (2019) Getting and Keeping a Foot in the Door: Strategies by Migrant and Informal Sector Women to Remain Relevant in the Labour Market. (2019). Research on Humanities and Social Sciences. doi:10.7176/rhss/9-22-02
Obange, N., & Wagah, G. G. (2019). Land tenure challenges in Kisumu City, Kenya. Net Journal of Social Sciences, 7(4), 85–91. doi:10.30918/njss.74.19.023
Oloko, M., Capuano Mascarenhas, L., Ness, B., Otiende, F. (2019) Solid Waste Management: Recommendations for Kisumu, Kenya. Mistra Urban Futures Policy Brief 2019:1