Comparing policies for climate change responses in small cities
Comparing policies for climate change responses in small cities Lack of...
Published: 8 mar, 2021
Transdisciplinary collaboration to meet societal challenges
Joining forces for change is the theme of this year’s International...
Published: 10 sep, 2019
Understanding the Fiscal Infrastructure
”Urban public finance is a hidden force shaping cities and their...
Published: 9 sep, 2019
New book: Mainstreaming on Climate Change in Urban Development
New book: Mainstreaming on Climate Change in Urban Development A new book...
Published: 14 jun, 2019
Skapar gemensam plattform för hållbar utveckling i Afrika, Asien och Latinamerika
Chalmers och Göteborgs universitet har beslutat att etablera en gemensam...
Published: 14 maj, 2019