Comparative and collaborative work
This is the third in a series of three events with the African Urban Research Initiative, AURI. The two earlier events are arranged 4 and 11 March 2021.
Introduction (10 min): What is comparative studies? Why value does comparative studies offer to urban theory and practice? And why are funders pushing comparison in and beyond Africa?
AURI presenter (25 min): Omar Nagati, Cairo Lab for Urban Studies, Training and Environmental Research (CLUSTER) will reflect on the key lessons learnt in undergoing a comparison study between different cities both within Egypt and across the African continent. Omar will focus on comparative methods.
Mistra presenter (15 min): Dr. Sylvia Croese, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, will speak about the lesson and challenges of creating a comparative framework for SDG localization based on her paper The implementation of the New Urban Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Q&A (20 min)
Practical skill section (100 min) led by Dr. Rike Sitas & Dr. Liza Cirolia: This session will focus on developing viable comparative research methods. The aim is to work together to develop a catalogue of interesting comparative questions and approaches which AURI members can use for future proposals and projects.
Concluding remarks & next steps (10 min)
Photo: Cairo. Image credit: Omar Elsharawy at unsplash.com