Mistra Urban Futures gränsöverskridande arbetssätt är grunden för en rad publikationer. Det handlar om såväl akademiska artiklar som praktik- och policyinriktade rapporter och andra publikationer.
Hildreth, P. Regional Studies Association Global Conference 2014: From Vulnerable Places to Resilient Territories: The Path to Sustainable Development, Regional Studies Association. Fortaleza, Brazil, 2014
Plattform: Sheffield-ManchesterPublikationstyp: Conference paper (peer-reviewed)Utgivningsår:
Perry, B. (2014). Governing practices in the post-industrial city. Conference paper presented at City Futures III Conference: Cities as strategic places and players in a globalized world, Urban Affairs Association and European Urban Research Association. Paris, France, 18-20 June 2014.
May, T. & Perry, B. (2014). Digital intermediation and sustainability knowledges. Conference paper presentet at Unknown unknowns: unexpected outcomes from digital intermediation, Institute of Capital Culture, Liverpool John Moores University. Liverpool, UK, 18 November 2014.
Plattform: Sheffield-ManchesterPublikationstyp: Conference paper (peer-reviewed)Utgivningsår:
Perry, B., Walsh, V. & Silver, D. (2014). Food austerity and digital transformations. Conference paper presented at Annual Communities and Culture Plus Network meeting, Communities and Culture Plus network/University of Leeds. Leeds, UK.
Plattform: Sheffield-ManchesterPublikationstyp: Conference paper (peer-reviewed)Utgivningsår:
Perry, B. (2014). Re-governing Greater Manchester: Power to the people?. Conference paper at Food, cities and human behaviour (World Food Day event), University of Manchester/Creative Concern, Manchester, UK.
May, T. and Perry, B. (2014). Temporality and diversity: what role for pluralistic and engaged research practices in the future university? Inspiring future generations: embracing plurality and difference in higher education, Society for Research into Higher Education/AHRC Connected Communities programme. Newport, South Wales, UK.
Plattform: Sheffield-ManchesterPublikationstyp: Conference paper (peer-reviewed)Utgivningsår:
Wharton, A. and Perry, B. (2014). Transformative voluntary organisations: critical reflections on the practices of community hubs. Conference paper. The third sector, the state and the market: challenges and opportunities in an era of austerity, Sheffield Hallam University, UK, 28 October 2014.
Plattform: Sheffield-ManchesterPublikationstyp: Conference paper (peer-reviewed)Utgivningsår:
Hildreth, P. (2013). Comparing urban futures: spatial networks for sustainable urban development. Conference paper presented at The Committee of the Regional Science Association International: British and Irish Section 42nd Annual Conference, Sidney Sussex College. Cambridge, U.K., 2013.
Plattform: Sheffield-ManchesterPublikationstyp: Conference paper (peer-reviewed)Utgivningsår:
Perry, B. (2013). Governing crises and crises of governing: collaboration, capitulation or capture?. Conference paper presented at Interrogating Urban Crisis: Governance, Contestation and Critique Conference, Urban Studies and Urban Studies Foundation Conference, Local Government Research Unit, De Montfort University. Leicester, U.K., 9-11 September 2013.
Smith, K. & Perry, B. (2113). Cities at the frontiers of 21st century Britain: Greater Manchester and the ‘original modern’ creative city. Conference paper presented at the RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2013: Urban transformations and city living, Royal Geographical Society. London, U.K., 28 August 2013.
Plattform: Sheffield-ManchesterPublikationstyp: Conference paper (peer-reviewed)Utgivningsår: