Perry, B., Walsh, V. & Silver, D. (2014). Food austerity and digital transformations. Conference paper presented at Annual Communities and Culture Plus Network meeting, Communities and Culture Plus network/University of Leeds. Leeds, UK.
Perry, B. (2013). Doing critical urban governance research: ongoing reflections from theory and practice. Conference paper presented at Flexible City International Symposium: rethinking the urban to face future challenges, University of Oxford, U.K., 24-25 October 2013.
Perry, B., In Mespoulet, M. Université et territoire en Angleterre : l’écart entre l’excellence et l’utilité. In Martine Mespoulet (ed.), Universite et Territoires, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2012.
Perry, B. (2014). Re-governing Greater Manchester: Power to the people?. Conference paper at Food, cities and human behaviour (World Food Day event), University of Manchester/Creative Concern, Manchester, UK.