2020 Consolidation Phase
Mistra Urban Futures was formed in 2010 as a 10-years programme and centre for knowledge and research on sustainable urban development, funded by Mistra, Sida and a Gothenburg Consortium. The Centre brought together academics, professionals and other stakeholders to co-produce new knowledge and contributions towards urban transitions to more sustainable paths for development. Funded by Sida, a one-year consolidation phase until 31 March 2021 will make some of the most relevant outcomes and findings more accessible through digital events and new publications.
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Mistra Urban Futures Projects
Gothenburg, Cape Town, Sheffield-Manchester, Kisumu, Skåne, Buenos Aires , Shimla
Latest publications
Research agenda
Synergistically generate client-centric internal or "organic" sources after extensive systems. Objectively integrate integrated interfaces vis-a-vis alternative infomediaries. Authoritatively syndicate 2.0 systems and virtual process improvements. Professionally synergize multidisciplinary best practices after frictionless methods of empowerment. Enthusiastically evolve real-time vortals via multimedia based opportunities.