Organizing Integration (OI)
The starting point for the multidisciplinary research program Organizing Integration (OI) is the major migration flows of our time and the ever-present issue of social and economic integration of refugees and other immigrants.
The program aims to investigate the challenges and opportunities created by various initiatives whose objectives are to facilitate integration, as well as to investigate the problems it involves coordinating and organizing this large amount of initiatives and initiatives. The program studies how initiatives intended to support the labor market integration of foreigners work in practice: how advocates of these initiatives and the foreign born people get an idea of what they mean and how they are organized using a variety of ideas, people, objects and actions. The goal is to create new knowledge in order to establish more sustainable processes and practices for integration of foreign born in the labor market.
The research program consists of five major projects covering areas such as:
- Historical and contemporary places for integration work
- The importance of the private sector for integration work
- The importance of the community, housing and active citizenship for integration work
- The public sector's importance for integration work
- Opportunities and challenges of linking integration documents in time and space
Research Questions
- What ideas about integration is what gives rise to contemporary integration initiatives, and what ideas about integration are advocated by the initiatives?
- How is labor market integration organized in practice? That is, what organizations, groups and individuals are recruited for integration efforts and what do they do?
- What are the effects of integration efforts on the lives of foreigners?
A basic part of the program is to communicate with different stakeholders - primarily public or private sector actors and civil society involved in initiatives for labor market integration of foreigners. Mistra Urban Futures is used as a platform for knowledge creation, as well as discussing, communicating and disseminating research results.