What came next?
Mistra Urban Futures works with sustainable urban development, one of the most important challenges of our time. All projects are carried out together by practitioners and researchers with the goal of realising fair, green and accessible cities. We want to make a real difference for our cities and the people who live there! We therefore asked ourselves, what came next? What happened after the projects have been finalized? Are the results used?
To answer these questions, we asked a couple of journalists to find the traces of our projects in different organisations. It is exciting to see the many different traces – in Gothenburg, but also regionally and nationally!
Here you can find some examples about what came next and the impact of our projects at the Gothenburg Platform.

Urban Agriculture gives sustainable food-production new knowledge and work opportunities
Rapidly growing cities set new demands for sustainable food production. The ‘Green Production’ project focused on urban agriculture and made contributions to develop new business models. The ‘Foodmaker’ course has been popular amongst professional chefs, restaurant owners, food interested people. Read more

Digital tool for climate friendly holidays
More and more people are worried about how their travels affect the climate. Mistra Urban Futures has been involved in developing a digital tool that makes it easier to make climate friendly decisions before booking your next trip. Read more

Handbook shows how greenery creates sustainable cities
Birds chirping and trees can contribute to sustainable urban development. A project within Mistra Urban Futures has developed a method and handbook that wants to make ecosystem services valued higher in cities. Read more

Making the city accessible for all
The FUNKTEK project not only made the Museum of Gothenburg more accessible. The method where people with different types of function variations tested and improved the museum's exhibitions and activities have had a ripple effect in Gothenburg. Read more

How urban design and planning can combat inequalities
Urban design and planning can help create greater social sustainability in Gothenburg. This is shown by analyses conducted in the Mistra Urban Futures project Divided City, which has had a direct impact in Bergsjön.
“We have enhanced our understanding of the way in which urban design and planning can combat ill-health and inequalities of various kinds,” says Mari Tastare, a planning officer at the City Planning Office in the City of Gothenburg. Read more

Research-based game highlights climate change issue in Gothenburg
A research report on climate and consumption calculations has both left its mark on Gothenburg City’s climate work and reached out to young people in the region through the game Future Happiness Challenge. The aim of the game is for children and young people to become aware of climate-related challenges. Read more

Attractive communities near stations
Mistra Urban Future's investment in urban station communities has led to concrete results throughout Western Sweden. Several municipalities have changed their view of attractive areas near travel points, pedestrian streets and other walking routes. Read more

The value of culture in urban development
In recent years, several projects on culture have been carried out within Mistra Urban Futures. Case studies that show the value of the culture, the development of analyses and strategies have led to that culture now can be more easily integrated into urban planning. Read more

Less traffic and more public transport
Public transport in the Gothenburg region should increase to 40 percent by 2025. A co-production project within Mistra Urban Futures has played an important role in achieving this goal. Read more

Research collaboration – an important heritage from the River City vision
Global challenges such as climate change, political instability and the world economy played a major role when the River City vision was developed. The City of Gothenburg highlights the importance of collaborating with researchers. Read more

A change of perspectives can create socially sustainable cities
Eight perspectives that can – if changed – create fair and socially sustainable cities. This is a result of the KAIROS project that Mistra Urban Futures has invested in. Read more