
In March 2017 a Mistra Urban Futures node was established in Stockholm, thus connecting the three cities initially competing for the Mistra grant to establish an international centre for sustainable urban development in Sweden, i.e. Gothenburg, Malmö and Stockholm.

The new node in Stockholm is the result of a year-long development period including partners like Stockholm Resilience Centre and Openlab.

Openlab is a centre for researchers and students at the Royal Institute of Technology, Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Stockholm University and Södertörn University and is an arena for collaboration with public partners such as the City, the Region and the County of Stockholm. 

The Stockholm region is internationally renowned for its climate and sustainability work, and the need for transdisciplinary arenas for collaboration between different sectors, actors and levels has been identified and acknowledged. The Mistra Urban Futures node, with access to the experience and knowledge of the centre and its global platforms, and Openlab as a neutral arena constitute an opportunity to make significant contributions to the development in Stockholm as well as in the global context.

The following partners is part of the Stockholm consortium, which is located at Openlab. 

Photo:, Tommie HansenDjurgårdsbron, tram and a pink sunset (Stockholm)


Antologi Innovation för hållbar stadsutveckling
Göteborg, Skåne, Stockholm
UGM Forskarnätverk – Global Utmaning and Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan


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