Sustainable Neighbourhood Development Panel
The main purpose of the panel is to provide evidence-based knowledge overviews with goal to contribute to improved methods for working with sustainable urban development. The panel consists of representatives from the City of Malmö work with urban neighbourhood development and researchers from Lund University, Malmö University and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences at Alnarp.
The Sofielund and Seved areas in Malmö, which currently are the objects of many developmental initiatives, will act as the springboard and point of reference for the work. However, other examples will also serve as reference, offering empirical data for synthesis and knowledge overviews.
Panel activities are divided into six salient work packages covering different thematic areas: knowledge base Sofielund, governing through experimentation, development paths for children and youth, eco-social integration in neighbourhood development, implementing the new urban agenda and the sustainable development goals (comparative urban perspectives and the platform’s contribution to a comparative project in Mistra Urban Futures), and a knowledge overview and feedback to Malmö City and other relevant actors.
The outputs from the panel will include a number of scientific articles and other publications, including written reports and written pieces for the media. Panel participants will all participate in various work package-relevant seminars and conferences throughout 2019.
Take part of PP-presentations and abstracts (referat) from the conference Meeting Point Urban Magma: Urban Innovation in Malmö, 15th of May 2019, below.
Se också debattartikel i Sydsvenska Dagbladet 23 september, 'Barns utemiljöer är en rättighetsfråga'.