Consortium established for the Kisumu platform
A legal unit has been established for Kisumu Local Interaction Platform in the form of a Trust which focuses on generating and disseminating knowledge regarding sustainable urban development in Kisumu and its neighborhoods. It will be formally registered during the coming months.
The Trustees comprise representatives for a wide group of stakeholders in or around the City of Kisumu, including the City, Universities, Civil society, Private sector and Residents.
The Centre´s current International Cooperation Agreement with Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology will be transmitted to the Trust.
The Trust will function as a Consortium for Kisumu. Its structure, which is based on a wide and transdisciplinary group of members, guarantees solid ownership and local anchoring of the Platform´s activities. The Trust Deed defines the goals of the Platform as well as roles and responsibility of the Trustees. It is consistent with the strategic goals of Mistra Urban Futures and will safeguard long-term support and sustainability of the Platform.