Trading places
On Tuesday 19 March 2014, Urban LandMark’s new publication Trading Places: Accessing Land in African Cities, by Mark Napier, Stephen Berrisford, Caroline Wanjiku Kihato, Rob McGaffin and Lauren Roysten was launched at The Book Lounge in Cape Town. The ACC hosted a brief symposium in advance of the official book launch to offer a platform to critically engage with the issues and ideas brought forward by the work.
The publication is the culmination of research by Urban Land Markets Programme Southern Africa (Urban LandMark), a research organisation that focuses primarily on understanding the realities of land markets in urban areas and developing pro-poor interventions in order to make urban land markets work better. This was achieved through building a knowledge base, engaging in policy processes and stakeholder engagement, testing new programmes, and implementing these in other countries where appropriate.
Trading Places, published by African Minds for Urban LandMark, argues that understanding complex land issues is imperative in order to address challenges of urban centres, and to shift the ways in which development is occurring to fairer, more sustainable pathways. The book explores how local practice, land governance and markets interact to shape the ways that people at society’s margins access land to build their livelihoods.
Two of the authors of this publication are associated with the African Centre for Cities. Stephen Berrisford is an adjunct professor, and Rob McGaffin is a Mistra Urban Futures Researcher.
Read more about the book Trading Places: Accessing Land in African Cities
Mistra Urban Futures is cooperating with the ACC, African Centre for Cities, in hope of contributing to broader urban debate in South Africa. Both centres want to highlight activities that illuminate innovative means of addressing questions of urban sustainable development across a range of contexts and in partnership with diverse stakeholders. This activity is a part of that cooperation.