A global agenda for the urban age
Maruxa Cardama, Special advisor, Cities Alliance, Brussels
This year’s Annual Lecture, deliberately scheduled on World Cities Day, 31 October 2017, explores the unprecedented current global urban ‘moment’ during which the international community is rightly focusing on the profound challenges of transitioning towards urban sustainability. Having been centrally involved in global campaigns to secure an urban Sustainable Development Goal and the New Urban Agenda, Maruxa Cardama will offer a unique perspective on these global developments and what they mean for individual cities on the ground. Katarina Gårdfeldt, Director of GMV and of SDSN Northern Europe, will then explain how Chalmers and University of Gothenburg are engaging with this agenda in terms of research and policy engagement. Time has also been reserved for debate with the audience.
Date: Tuesday 31 October 2017
Time: 16:00-17:15, followed by drinks and snacks
Venue: Palmstedtsalen, Chalmers Conference Centre, Campus Johanneberg
The event is open for all and no registration is needed.