Panel debate: Housing for asylum seekers and newly arrived refugees
Invitation to a panel debate about housing for asylum seekers and newly arrived refugees, Malmö University
Housing for asylum seekers and refugees is, not least after the refugee immigration during 2015, an increasingly contested issue. In Sweden a governmental investigation was initiated to oversee the reception system and in the fall last year the governmental report An Orderly Reception was published (SOU 2018:22). This panel debate takes this report as a starting point, and it aims at discussing the preliminary proposal in the light of an on-going international research project about reception and integration of asylum seekers and refugees and from the perspective of different organisational bodies organising the reception in Malmö and the Skåne Region.
When? 28 February 2019
Where? Malmö University
Building: GÄDDAN 8, Citadellsvägen 7
Room: STORM (entrance floor), Citadellsvägen 7, Malmö University
8:30 - 08:50 Opening and introduction to current challenges and on-going transformations in Sweden and beyond: Erica Righard, Associate Profesor, Malmö University
08:50 - 09:15 Housing for asylum seekers and refugees in Calabriar/Italy, Nicosia/Cyprus, Scotland/UK and Skåne/Sweden Nasar Meer, Professor and GLIMER Principal Investigator, University of Edinburgh
09:15 - 09:45 Coffee
09:45 - 10:45 Panel commentaries moderated by Henrik Emilsson, PhD, Malmö University
Gunilla Holmlin, Integration Developer, County Adm. Board Skåne
Ebba Cedergren, Senior Advisor, City of Malmö
Ingrid Sahlin, Professor, Lund University
10:45 - 11:30 Discussion
Sign-up: The event is free of charge, but places are limited, please sign-up by sending a mail to: jennie.strom@malmo.se
The event is co-arranged by the City of Malmö, Malmö University, the GLIMER project and the SKLIP Migration Panel.
Photo by: Pixabay