International meeting in Cape Town
In the middle of March, the yearly meeting where representatives from all local interaction platforms come together was held in Cape Town, South Africa. The three day meeting had an interesting agenda, focusing on three position papers, the international pilot project and the Modes Anthology.
Position papers for fair, green and dense cities
The three drafted position papers for fair, green and dense cities were discussed, and all platforms got the chance to comment and give input to next version. The position papers which outline the state of the art and establish directions for future work of the center will be finalized and published in 2013.
The International Pilot Project - Governance, policy, knowledge in urban sustainability
A baseline assessment has been carried out, mapping the specific challenges of urban sustainability in each local context. The results will be used to assess the outcomes of the Centre work and to design projects tailored to meet specific current challenges. Local reports will be published during 2013.
The Modes Anthology
The Anthology is focusing on how Mistra Urban Futures looks at co-production and joint knowledge production. Each platform contributes with chapters to the anthology.
Work carried out in Cape Town
In the programme, participants were also presented to how the Cape Town platform are partnering with the City, a programme in which four researchers are embedded in the City of Cape Town, providing input to the policy development process in the areas of: Climate change policy, Green economy, Space Economy models and Energy governance. Ten months in the programme, both City officials and researchers agreed this was a positive and fruitful way of aligning research and practice.
Read more about the project Governance, policy, knowledge in urban sustainability