New Chair of the Board
Fredrik Hörstedt, Vice President, Chalmers has been appointed new Chair of the Board of Mistra Urban Futures. The previous chair, Anna Johansson, member of the Swedish Parliament, has stepped down due to other commitments.

Fredrik Hörstedt, Vice President for Utilisation, has a remit including both the innovation system and Chalmers' co-operation with external partners and the surrounding community. He also holds the responsibility for sustainable development among the vice presidents.
“It is a critical period for Mistra Urban Futures and I will make sure that we work to the fullest extent to confirm the prerequisites for this vital initiative in its next phase.”, says Fredrik Hörstedt, Vice President of Utilisation, Chalmers.
On February 22nd it was announced that Chalmers and the University of Gothenburg jointly will host Mistra Urban Futures as the two universities continues to be committed to sustainable urban development. This will be done through the Gothenburg Centre for Sustainable Development, GMV, a joint collaboration between the two universities. Read more
“I am delighted that Chalmers’ has appointed Fredrik Hörstedt as Chair of Mistra Urban Futures’ Board. He will bring to the Board a rich knowledge of how Chalmers and GMV work in relation to sustainability agendas. It is also valuable that Chalmers is now taking an even more active part in the development of Mistra Urban Futures and as we move into a new phase from 2020 and beyond. The decision for Chalmers to co-host together with the University of Gothenburg is a real testament of the two universities commitment to the Centre’s future”, says David Simon, Director, Mistra Urban Futures.
Please contact;
Fredrik Hörstedt, Vice President, Chalmers
phone: +46 31 772 43 22
David Simon, Director, Mistra Urban Futures
phone: + 46 708 64 27 80
Photo: Johan Bodell