Climate friendly construction and capital constraints
Funding is a key issue for achieving the required investments in real estate to reach the climate goals set by the Swedish government. Views on investments leverage space may differ between different parties; the property owner and the bank come to different conclusions about the construction projects borrowing capacity.
If you build climate smart, it should motivate a greater borrowing capacity. The project will therefore study the differences in the evaluation of investing in properties with high environmental and energy performance, and how it can affect the conditions for obtaining financing when developers choose to build climate smart.
Overland, C., Sandoff, A. & Hansson, A. (2013). Lån till klimatanpassat byggande: En förstudie om problemet med långivare och låntagares värderingsskillnader. (Mistra Urban Futures Report 2013:1). Gothenburg: Mistra Urban Futures.