Tourism and Community Empowerment
This project’s focus on the promotion of tourism activities and the research activities will involve use of Miyandhe eco-lodge for training women and youths on eco-tourism through promotion of eco-ventures in the destination. The feasibility study is on-going regarding the development of cruise tourism to link Dunga Beach in Kisumu City and Miyandhe Beach.
Preparation for Data collection under way on Dunga and Miyandhe beaches on Connectivity and Stakeholder Engagement on Tourism Initiatives for Community Empowerment. Capacity building and community empowerment through stakeholder public engagement on food culture for dissemination, ownership and uptake of knowledge base has been undertaken. Bringing on board stakeholders from Miyandhe and Dunga tourism product development training has been done to enhance collaboration, partnerships and connectivity on food culture, ecology and adaptation and tourism promotion of beaches for urban development. Knowledge co-production between the two sites is yet to be undertaken. Field research and data collection and analysis on urban poverty and food culture are done.
The objectives are to:
• Up-scale tourism, cultural heritage, and traditional architecture for sustainable livelihoood and community empowerment
• Deepen co-knowledge production and transfer for uptake and community empowerment at Dunga and Miyandhe.