Activities in The Urban Station Communitie
Preliminary Upcoming activities
First quarter of 2018: In cooperation with the municipality of Varberg, the first activity will be held on march 15.It is currently in a planning phase but the main idea is to focus on identity and sustainable transport.
Second quarter of 2018: A follow-up workshop in cooperation with the municipality of Partille. It will be a second workshop which will be based on the workshop that was held on september 15 2017.
Third quarter of 2018: During the third quarter of 2018, the process leaders plans an activity focusing on regional routes.
Fourth quarter of 2018: A second activity with the municipality of Varberg and a station community in focus. This activity is based on the previous meeting with its results and development of them in focus.
First or second quarter of 2019: During the spring of 2019 a follow-up activity is planned focusing on regional routes.
Completed activities
December 2017: Workshop within SMART-MR
On December 12 2017 The Urban Station Community arranged a workshop for the participants of the EU-funded project SMART-MR. The workshop, a walk & talk, was organized together with the municipality of Kungälv and were held in the station community Ytterby. The participants carried maps of carefully selected routes where they were asked to comment on different spots. Each Group then presented the results and discussions for eachother.
September 2017: Co-creation in Urban Station Communities - previous experiences and local application in the municipality of Partille
The purpose of the workshop was to inform about a report by the process managers of The Urban Station Community, "Co-creation in urban station communities" (Ranhagen, U., Dahlstrand, A. & Ramstedt, A. 2017). Ulf Ranhagen also presented a report within a project regarding developent in station communities in Uppsala, Lund and Borås. Anna Gustafsson presented the knowledge process of the Urban station communities.
Current planning issues in Partille municipality were presented by Emma Johansson and Johanna Kirudd which was used as a starting point for a few methods and tools for co-creation. The structured brainstorming method was used in the beginning of the day to prioritize important issues and processes related to the planning and development of urban station communities. After lunch a scenario analysis, backasting and a simplified multicriteria analysis to develop and evaluate alternative future images.
Notes in swedish can be found here.
May 2017: Passages and city life analyzes in Borås
How can passages and city life analyzes contribute to the planning processes? That was the theme of May 23rd 2017 when the Urban station communities arranges a workshop with Borås municipality where more than 25 participants met. Process manages Amie Ramstedt, Göteborg Region Association of Local Authorities (GR), began the day by briefly presenting the Urban station communities. Subsequently, Elin Celic and Magnus Lövdahl from Ale municipality presented their work with city life analyzes as support of the planning process.
The remaning part of the day, participants discussed development of passages based on the consultation document for Borås master plan. The participants were divided into groups, and by the lead of process manager Ulf Ranhagen, they worked with several tools such as walking tours, map-based SWOT analysis, scenarios and multi.criteria analysis.
Dec 2016: Co-operation seminar
On December 2nd 2016 the process managers organized a seminar focusing on challenges and priorities in the knowledge process of the Urban station communities for the program period 2017 - 2019. At the seminar 23 participants from the projects different parties attended with the aim of reviewing challenges that previously defined in the process.
Jun 2016: Everyday logistics and life puzzles
On June 8th Kungälv municipality initiated and hosted an activity focusing on everyday logistics and life puzzles which the Urban station communities arranged. Focus of the day was how spatial planning can make it easier for inhabitants to choose a sustainable mode of transport while improving traffic safety close to intensive activities. Methods used for highlighting the subject was both presentations and a workshop with future scenarios and backasting was used.
Mar 2016: Safety and good sound environment
During two days in March of 2016 the participants focused on safety and good sound environment with a multi criteria analysis tool called POLA. Researchers and several public agencies presented cases that the municipalities Ale and Lerum participated in. The purpose was to develop a common view on structured co-Creation.
Dec 2015: Urban Research: Low carbon stations for low carbon cities
Anne Leemans från Yellow Design Foundation (YDF) presented on December 8th the results from the project Low Carbon Stations for Low Carbon Cities on how the development of station communities can result in lower carbon dioxide emissions while improving the functions of the station communities.