Urban Foyer Seminar: The Pacific Islands and SDG 11: Making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
This presentation sets out the critical issues facing local government in the Pacific Islands, where half of the region’s population of 10 million live in some 100 rapidly expanding towns and cities. Although national efforts to provide local government (whether rural or urban) have been supported by international development partners and by the region-wide “Pacific Urban Agenda”, the challenges of developing the necessary administrative, legal, financial and physical infrastructure remain substantial. The question is how Goal 11 of the SDGs, which seeks to make “cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable”, can be leveraged to support these efforts.
Graham Hassall, an associate professor at the Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, specialises in public sector and public policy issues in the Pacific Islands. He has lived in Papua New Guinea and Fiji, and has conducted fieldwork throughout the Pacific.
Date: Thursday, November 24, 2016
Time: 11.30-13.00, a light vegetarian lunch is included
Venue: Mistra Urban Futures, Läraregatan 3, Gothenburg