Cape Town Mocaa Mistra Urban Futures

Annual Reports

The most recent Annual Report, for 2018, was published in April 2019. The Report presents the international comparative projects, the local platforms in Sweden, UK, Kenya and South Africa, as well as the new partnerships in India and Argentina. Two particular Cape Town articles are about two particular challenges: food production or housing and transport justice. The Annual Report 2018 - like all previous Annual Reports - can be downloaded through the links below.

Sida, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, commissioned an international review of Phase 2 of Mistra Urban Futures. The review was done in March–May 2019. The progress report that was presented to the panel of reviewers can be found and downloaded under "Files" below.

The Annual Reports for 2016 and 2017 were produced primarily as web sites, including video clips and links. To view our Annual Report for 2017, please go to:

The Annual Report for 2016 can be found here:

Photo above from the Zeitz Museum of Contemporary African Art in Cape Town, a new forum also for urban development discussions. Photo: Dreamer Company/
