Accelerating to localise the SDGs in the UK. Short film on UN SDGs
Researchers from the Sheffield-Manchester platform, in partnership with UK Stakeholders for Sustainable Development, recently ran a two-day residential workshop to explore how UK cities can localise the Sustainable Development Goals.
The workshop included representatives from local authorities and other urban stakeholders, and aimed to build a coalition of city-based stakeholders who could collaborate on a future programme which would aim to accelerate localising the SDGs in the UK.The workshop was hosted in Sheffield, UK, and involved a mixture of case studies and immersive learning opportunities.
Read more about the SDGs and Mistra Urban Futures work in the world on the project-page: Implementing the new urban agenda and sustainable development goals Mistra Urban Futures web-page.
The Sheffield SDG research team has recently published a short film about the workshop they hosted in June, which can be seen here (explanation what role the SDGs play and how to cooperate over boarders). Sandra Valencia, researcher at Mistra Urban Futures is also seen in the video-clip.
A Policy brief from Sheffield-Manchester team, following UK Cities SDGs event co-organised with UKSSD in June 2019. Read pdf