GreenGov and 3 Scandiniavian cities meeting for green shift - heading towards sustainable low carbon cities
On Feb 7, the research team of the GreenGov project held a half-day workshop in Gothenburg to discuss additional data collection needs, data analysis strategies about "green shift", as well as the design of a city lab between officials of the three Scandinavian cities to be organized in the fall this year.
The GreenGov project aims to explore which leadership strategies and mechanisms can effectively support co-creation, learning and innovation in favour of the green shift. The ‘green shift’ is understood as transformation towards sustainable, low carbon cities – acknowledging that this encompasses also resilient and energy smart or low energy/energy efficient society. The Greengov research team in each case study city has already conducted at least one round of interviews with key city officials.
The GreenGov project is led by the Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research at the Oslo Metropolitan University. The project is funded by the Research Council of Norway through the BYFORSK initiative. Mistra Urban Futures is a partner in the project. The research is based on case studies and co-creational actions in the cities of Oslo, Gothenburg and Copenhagen, as well as Cape Town as a disruptive learning case.
Taking advantage of the stay in Gothenburg, the research team in charge of the city’s case study, which includes Hege Hofstad, Trond Vedeld, Anders Tønnesen from Norway and Sandra Valencia from Mistra Urban Futures carried a new round of interviews with key officials and politicians linked to climate work in the city.
Read more about GreenGov- project
Appearence in photo:
Hege Hofstad – project leader, OsloMet, Norway
Karsten Bruun Hansen – researcher, Roskilde University, Denmark
Jan-Tore Berghei – communication specialists, OsloMet, Norway
Trond Vedeld, project coordinator, OsloMet, Norway
Marianne Millstein, researcher OsloMet, Norway
David Simon – advisory expert team, Mistra Urban Futures, Sweden
Jacob Torfing, advisory expert team, Roskilde University, Denmark
Sandra Valencia, researcher, Chalmers University of Technology, Mistra Urban Futures, Sweden
Anders Tønnesen, researcher, Institute of Transport Economics, Norway
Photo by: Annika K.