The project ClueE have studied the obstacles to and opportunities for energy efficiency in municipal residential areas from a social scientific perspective combined with technical and practical knowledge.
There are many obstacles to efficient energy use in the construction and residential sectors. Some of them are technical, but many are organisational, legal, financial, or entirely owing to a lack of knowledge and a comprehensive view.
To broaden understanding of these obstacles (and opportunities), the ClueE (Collaborative Learning for Urban Energy Efficiency) project integrated five critical perspectives concerning energy efficiency in order to produce new knowledge of procedures, consideration, and experiences that make it possible for municipalities to go from ambitious energy efficiency goals to practical reality.
Our perspectives:
USER BEHAVIOUR — How do households view the opportunity for reduced energy use and how do they make their decisions?
FINANCES — Who benefits from energy efficiency in municipal residential areas, and who doesn´t?
LEGAL — How can the rules around public procurement promote energy efficiency and reduce municipal costs?
POLITICS — How does the decision-making process function during planning and implementation of energy-efficient new and rebuilt houses?
TECHNOLOGY — How can we make sure that the best possible techniques are put into practice, and how can they be used in new ways?
Case studies in Alingsås and Kungälv
The project was based on case studies in the municipalities of Kungälv and Alingsås. Joint planning and implementation of case studies by researchers from the various subject areas of the project helped us to constantly learn from each other and develop new knowledge together. Research groups collaborated on the case studies with municipal politicians and officials, for example planners and purchasers, construction companies, municipal energy and housing corporations, and tenants.
See the projects publications and files below.
Report: Minska 50 till 2050 - Nya perspektiv på energieffektivisering av allmännyttans miljonprogramsbostäder (in Swedish)
The results have contributed to the project ELSA – Energilots för smartare allmännytta led by RISE Research Institute of Sweden
Anders Sandoff held a two day training for www.BEBOstad.se and for SABO/SKL
The book Urban Väldfärd – Effektiv energy is used as course literature in the course Hållbar utveckling i städer och regioner, 7.5 hp, University of Gothenburg