
Embedded research of the River City process

The project has evaluated and monitored the process of the River City project and its strategy for the River City, a central area on both sides of the river in ​​Gothenburg, Sweden. The project was held in collaboration with the City of Gothenburg.

The project has followed the River City project by mapping actors and networks and by analyzing the dialogue and process as well as the organization and management. Constructive feedback has been given regularly to the project management to evolve and make the process more effective. 

Also see the on-going project Formative evaluation of the implementation of the River City vision

Photo: City of Gothenburg, City Planning Authority


Brorström, S. 10th Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Accounting Conference, The Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Accounting Research Group (IPA). Cardiff, Wales, 2012
Type: Conference paper (peer-reviewed)
Brorström, S. The 28th EGOS Colloquium 2012: Design!?: Strategy-as-Practice Paper Development Workshop, European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS). Helsinki, Finland, 2012
Type: Conference paper (peer-reviewed)
Brorström, S. (2012). Creating the image of sustainability: the city of Gothenburg. Conference paper presented at China Symposium 2012: Chinese mega-cities in the world, Stockholm University School of Business, 29-31 August 2012.
Type: Conference paper (peer-reviewed)
Brorström, S. & Åström, J. (2011). Medborgardialog Centrala Älvstaden. Mistra Urban Futures.
Type: Report/Paper/Working paper/Brief
Brorström, S. (2011). Centrala Älvstaden - höga förväntningar och stora utmaningar. (Kfi-rapport 115). KFi – Kommunforskning i Västsverige.
Type: Report/Paper/Working paper/Brief