Urban station communities

The idea behind the project The urban station community was born in December 2012 in connection with a workshop focusing on sustainable densification which resulted in the knowledge overview "The Urban Station Society - Research and Practice Overview". The railway and its stations have historically had a great deal importance for communication and prosperity, not only in Sweden but also globally. The future role of station societies is crucial for the development of sustainable cities and regions. Developing these societies can make it possible for transport-friendly social planning, sustainable economic development and create attractive regions. However, there is a great complexity and challenges in densifying in areas close to railway stations that many actors and stakeholders are working to find solutions to.

Since there are many interesting and complex issues concerning development close to railway stations, a delimitation was required. Activities and sub-projects in the Urban Station Society should clearly link to at least one of the following 7 focus areas:

  • Noises, vibrations & risks
  • Collaboration & dialogue
  • Flexible, sustainable transport
  • Structure & Design
  • Lifestyle & Identity
  • The station's role for the surrounding area
  • Land use & land values

The urban station community is a knowledge process whose overall purpose is to increase the knowledge of the complex aspects of planning and create conditions for the development of station communities. The urban station community also aims to revitalize and support ordinary planning processes in municipalities in order to build a transport efficient region with attractive/dense station communities, as well as to initiate and support R&D (research and development) and FoI (research and innovation) projects focused on co-creation between academy and practicioners.

  • The process managers can within the framework of the project:
  • Be a support in the municipality's process
  • Support, for example, arguments or images for dense planning in station communities
  • Spread knowledge from both practitioners and researchers
  • Be a meeting place for dialogue

Activities carried out within the project always focus on co-creation. The process leaders has tested and evaluated various methods using the participants since 2012. Lessons have come from activities that are also written down in most reports that can be downloaded on the project's first page.

You are also welcome to contact the process managers, Anna Gustafsson or Ulf Ranhagen.


Ranhagen, U. (2021) Transport and Sustainable Urban Development: a comparative project in collaboration between Cape Town, Kisumu and Gothenburg. Mistra Urban Futures Report 2021:1
Type: Report/Paper/Working paper/Brief
Ranhagen, U. & Gustafsson, A. (2020) The Urban Station Community: Towards a Resource-efficient Transport System, Mistra Urban Futures Report 2020:6
Type: Report/Paper/Working paper/Brief
Ranhagen, U. (2020) Co-Creation in Urban Station Communities. Mistra Urban Futures Report 2020:5
Type: Report/Paper/Working paper/Brief
Ranhagen, U. & Gustafsson, A. (2020) Det urbana stationssamhället - vägen mot ett resurssnålt resande. Mistra Urban Futures Report 2020:3
Type: Report/Paper/Working paper/Brief
Larsson, K. (2019) Digital verktygslåda för god ljudmiljö i stationssamhällen. RISE Rapport 2019:93.
Type: Report/Paper/Working paper/Brief


  • En knuff i rätt riktning
  • Refereat och reflexioner utifrån workshopdag 12 maj 2015
  • Uppföljaning av två workshopar i det urbana stationssamhället
  • Klimatsmarta och attraktiva transportnoder
  • Annual report 2015